15th Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Philippines National Conference
“Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the CBMS”
March 13-15, 2019
Novotel Manila Araneta Center
Quezon City, Philippines
About the Conference
The annual CBMS conference gathers partners and stakeholders from national and local government units, non-government organizations, academe and development partner agencies to discuss latest developments, findings, and best practices on the uses of CBMS for local planning and budgeting, program implementation and impact monitoring in the context of various thematic concerns including poverty reduction/eradication, gender and development, migration and development, disaster-risk reduction management and climate change adaptation, and meeting global goals (MDGS and now the SDGs among others.
Since 2000, CBMS has been adopted by local government units in the Philippines as a tool for local planning and budgeting, poverty diagnosis, program targeting and implementation, and monitoring. The CBMS has also provided the necessary organized platform to build capacities of LGUs to produce relevant disaggregated data and establish local level databases to localize the millennium development goals (MDGs), and facilitate the implementation of other initiatives including bottom up planning and budgeting and preparation, hazard and vulnerability mapping, and preparation and implementation of disaster risk reduction management and climate change adaptation plans among others.
This year’s conference with the general theme, Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the Community-Based Monitoring System, aims to feature and discuss the uses of the CBMS for identifying priority needs, and implementing program interventions in line with meeting the SDGs. This year’s 3-day policy conference will feature presentations and sharing of strategies and good practices from local government units and other partners in the Philippines as well as from selected sites in Africa and Latin America where CBMS work is currently being implemented.
The conference is being organized by the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Network Office based at the De La Salle University–Angelo King Institute for Economic and Business Studies in Manila, Philippines.
Information on Registration Guidelines and Call for Papers/Presentations can be viewed here: http://bit.ly/15thCBMSNatconWebsite